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Bean Facts

16 Coffee Fun Facts to Liven Up Your Day

5 min read
Coffee is one of the most popular beverages there is, with billions of cups enjoyed every year. Given that coffee is so well loved around the world, it’s only natural for us to want to know more about our favourite brew. That’s why we at NESCAFÉ® have compiled this list of our favourite coffee fun facts for you.
coffee fun facts

1. Coffee goes back a really long way

Coffee is thought to date back to 800 A.D., where it was discovered by 9th century goat herders. It was said that they noticed their goats eating the plant and afterwards it appeared like they were ‘dancing’. Fascinated by the results, the goat herder tried them himself and discovered that it made him excitable too.
Coffee facts

2. Coffee is a fruit

Despite it being called a ‘bean’, coffee is actually a fruit. The ‘beans’ grow on a bush and are found in the centre of a berry, known as a coffee cherry.
Coffee facts

3. Beethoven loved coffee

This may surprise you, but infamous composer, Beethoven, loved coffee! He was apparently quite obsessive about it, using precisely 60 beans per cup and would spend time counting out each and every bean.
Coffee facts

4. Brazil grows the most coffee in the world

It’s widely known that Brazil is one of the biggest coffee hotspots, but did you know it’s responsible for around a third of all the coffee in the world? Brazil is the number one coffee producer, followed by Vietnam and Colombia.
Coffee facts

5. Finland consumes the most coffee in the world

Where Brazil may grow the most, Finland drinks the most coffee! On average they drink 12kg per person, per year which works out to an impressive 1,680 cups on average each a year. Now how’s that for a coffee fact?
Coffee facts

7. Coffee helped Brazil go to the Olympics

In 1932, the Brazilian government didn’t have enough money to send their athletes to the Olympics, so they funded the trip by selling coffee. They loaded up a ship of coffee beans, hoping to sell it to California on their way. We love this heart-warming coffee fact!
Coffee facts

8. Coffee wasn’t always for drinking

Before coffee was discovered to be a delicious beverage, it was actually a food. East African tribes would grind the berries and mix them with animal fat to eat.
Coffee facts

9. There are two different types of coffee bean

Two types of coffee bean are used for drinking; Robusta and Arabica. Arabica has lower acidity and smoother taste, whereas Robusta is more acidic and bitter.
Coffee facts

11. The decaffeination process helps to create our favourite fizzy drinks

Once caffeine has been removed (for decaf coffee), the caffeine will usually be sold to fizzy drink or pharmaceutical companies.
Coffee facts

12. NESCAFÉ® produced the first instant coffee

We’re quite proud of this coffee history fact because it was us who created the first successful instant coffee blend! The story goes all the way back to 1929 when Brazil was looking for a solution to help with the coffee surplus in the country. After which, years of careful research led to the development of the NESCAFÉ® brand. Explore the history of NESCAFÉ® to learn more.
Coffee facts

14. The most expensive coffee in the world costs $600 per pound  

Kopi Luwak is the most expensive coffee in the world, and as of 2019, it cost $600 per pound. Native to Indonesia, the coffee is roasted after being eaten, digested and expelled by the Palm Civet. It’s said that they only eat the very best, sweetest and freshest coffee cherries and when ingested, it’s naturally fermented, giving it a distinctive flavour. Would you try a cup of Kopi Luwak? 

15. The largest cup of coffee in the world was over 26,000 litres

Yes, you heard right! The largest cup of coffee ever made was 26,939.22 litres. The brew made in Mexico, on 10 December 2022, took 300 kg of coffee and currently holds the Guinness World Record.
Largest coffee

16. Britain loves coffee (optional additional fact - replace with your markets specific data)

While Britons are known around the world for adoring their tea, it may surprise you to learn that the UK alone drinks around 95 million cups of coffee per day!
Coffee facts