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Renewing the world of coffee to uplift lives and livelihoods with every cup.

Did you know your delicious cup of NESCAFÉ contains coffee sustainably sourced in West Africa? We work directly with over 20,000 farmers and have distributed up to 9 million plantlets to improve coffee crops and farmers’ incomes. With every cup of NESCAFÉ, you are making a difference!




In 2010, we brought our 80 years of global coffee knowledge to the next level, with one aim: To make sure all our coffee is responsibly sourced.

Read on to find out more about how the NESCAFÉ is helping farmers, farming communities and our planet.




NESCAFÉ’s responsible sourcing journey starts with the men and women who grow coffee beans.

We are not only passionate about promoting sustainable coffee farming practices, but also about supporting the farmers who grow our coffee.

We believe that respecting the planet begins with respecting the people who work the land. That's why we're committed to sourcing our coffee responsibly, using sustainable farming methods, and working with farmers to improve their livelihoods.


O excelente sabor do café vem do trabalho árduo de muitas pessoas.

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    Formação aos agricultores

    Agora, temos 300 especialistas em cultivo de café da NESCAFÉ a trabalhar com agricultores em 15 países, oferecendo treinamento em negócios e habilidades agrícolas avançadas. Desde 2010, ajudamos a treinar mais de 700.000 agricultores.

  • farmers income

    Garantir os rendimentos dos agricultores

    Nossos especialistas ensinam os agricultores a diversificar sua renda cultivando diferentes colheitas ao lado dos cafeeiros. A aquisição dessas novas habilidades de negócios permite que os agricultores gerenciem melhor suas fazendas e melhorem seus meios de subsistência.

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    Apoio as comunidades

    A cafeicultura como modo de vida é algo que queremos manter vivo. Portanto, apoiamos as comunidades agrícolas locais e inspiramos uma nova geração a tornar-se cafeicultora, com programas de capacitação e qualificação.

  • Growing resistance

    Growing resistance

    We now have eight new and improved varieties of coffee plants, which are more productive and resilient to threatening diseases, like leaf rust.

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    Younger, stronger tees

    We have been helping farmers to renovate their farms to be more efficient, with younger, stronger trees, that produce more coffee that’s better quality.



We're passionate about our coffee, but we're also committed to reducing our environmental impact. That's why we're taking innovative steps to tackle climate change. coffee responsibly, using sustainable farming methods, and working with farmers to improve their livelihoods.

So enjoy NESCAFÉ and feel good about helping us make a positive impact on the environment!


Continuando a garantir um planeta saudável

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    Conservação de água

    Encontrar maneiras de economizar água e reduzir o desperdício é importante para o futuro do café. Nossos especialistas ensinam os agricultores a cultivar café de alta qualidade usando menos água, disponibilizando mais água para as comunidades e o meio ambiente.

  • Water conservation

    Empowering Coffee Farmers to Optimize Water Usage         

    We're proud to say that we've put our innovative minds to the test to help coffee farmers get creative with how they use valuable H2O. We understand that our coffee plants need water to grow, but we don't want to waste this valuable resource. It's all part of our commitment to ensuring that when we make our coffee, it never leaves anyone else thirsty.

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    Criando biodiversidade

    Estamos a incentivar abelhas, insetos e a criar maior biodiversidade nas regiões produtoras de café com os nossos programas de consorciação e programas agroflorestal. Connosco, os produtores aprendem a cultivar enquanto desenvolvem a diversidade natural.



At NESCAFÉ, we’re all about enjoying coffee in a way that respects people and the planet. We believe that small changes can make a big difference, which is why we're committed to promoting responsible consumption habits, reducing waste, and supporting sustainable coffee farming communities.

A cup of coffee that could possibly cut down your energy bill and do a bit of good for the planet? Now that's a hot topic!


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    No Need To Boil

    There are many ways to make a great cup of coffee, but there's one method that uses less energy– the instant coffee way. Our premium, soluble granules make delicious coffee in an instant.

    Here are the perks. You can make one cup at a time so you don’t have to heat an entire kettle or brew a full pot of coffee. And you don’t need to boil water either.

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    Sip on a Cup of Respect

    All respectable coffee companies have their own professional tasters. It’s the only way to guarantee quality and consistency. There are professional tasting teams in every NESCAFÉ plant worldwide. Satisfying their expert taste-buds is just the last of many quality tests that help guarantee the fresh, delicious taste of every cup of NESCAFÉ.