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A Better Tomorrow Starts Together

Reducing Our Greenhouse Gas Emissions

A Better Tomorrow Starts Together

To help reduce NESCAFÉ®’S greenhouse gas emissions, it takes a collective effort and more than a few people to try and achieve it. At NESCAFÉ®, we have a team of dedicated analysts who study our environmental impact and created a plan to help reduce it. When analyzing our carbon footprint, NESCAFÉ® looks at everything from transportation, manufacturing, packaging, shipping and even what happens after consumption. We are creating programs to reduce our impact at every step. For example, since 2010, we have already reduced our greenhouse gas emission in our soluble coffee factories in Europe by 49,6%. This is a good step forward but there's still a lot more to do. At NESCAFÉ, we believe that together we can do more to reduce our environmental impact.
greenhouse gas emissions


One of the best vehicules to reduce carbon is healthy soil and forests. For NESCAFÉ®, to tackle their vast supply chain with hundreds of thousands of farms and transportation networks, we MUST WORK TO to protect both soil and forests to bring long-term sustainable change.
protect soil and forests


The world’s forests absorb approximately 2.6 billion tons of carbon dioxide a year, or about a third of all the CO2 released from burning fossil fuels. Forests also provide nutrition, shelter, energy, medicine, and livelihoods to around 1.6 billion people*. Unfortunately, as global populations and demand for food grows, forests are at risk of being converted into farmland. NESCAFÉ® is working towards 100% deforestation-free supply chain for coffee by 2025, and by 2026 intends to plant 20 million native trees to help increase biodiversity, and to promote soil formation and soil health. It’s a big job but not nearly as big as what forests do for the planet.

*add link to the CSV report 2021 p.25

planting a tree

By 2025, NESCAFÉ® aims to achieve 100% deforestation-free coffee and by 2026 intends to plant 20 million native trees to help increase biodiversity, and to promote soil formation and soil health.

deforestation-free coffee

Why soil health is so important

Good soil does more than grow good coffee, it captures carbon, reduces erosion, and requires less synthetic fertilizer. As a large part of greenhouse gas emission on farms comes from fertilizers, NESCAFÉ® is helping optimize fertilizer use by providing training to farmers. From Vietnam to Mexico, Brazil and Indonesia, NESCAFÉ®'s field programs have helped to improve farming methods, resulting in farms using the optimum combinations of synthetic and organic fertilizers, and reducing the use of agrichemicals. Simply put, healthy soil helps to grow a more sustainable coffee.
good soil to grow good coffee


To help Nestlé reach net zero by 2050, it’s not only about making some big changes, it’s also about making lots of small ones. To start, all NESCAFÉ® factories aim to use 100% renewable electricity by 2025. We are also working to help create circular systems that will make it easier to collect, recycle and reuse packaging. NESCAFÉ® also aims to grow its fleet of electric, biofuel, hybrid, or plug-in hybrid vehicles. And for consumers, NESCAFÉ® encourages better preparation methods and recycling tips like boiling water at 80°C instead of 100°C and only filling the kettle with the water you need. Step by step, we are on a path to keep reducing our greenhouse gas emissions.
NESCAFÉ® factories

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If Beans Could Talk

Regenerative Agriculture and NESCAFÉ® Coffee

If Beans Could Talk

Before your delicious cup of NESCAFÉ® was brewed from fresh roasted beans, it was a basket of raw green beans plucked from cherries of a tree halfway across the world. Every day, tons of green beans arrive at a NESCAFÉ® roasting facility, and every bean has its own story to tell. NESCAFÉ® wants to make sure that story is all about sustainability because if beans could talk, we would want to hear everything they had to say.
regenerative agriculture & coffee

Coffee That Doesn’t Just Taste Good It Wants to Make Good

By 2025, NESCAFÉ® aims to reach 100% responsible sourced coffee, supporting better working conditions for farm families and workers, to grow their crops sustainably. For the sustainability program, having over hundred of thousand farms across five continents monitored is quite a big task, but when you’re as big as us, doing good can help to make a difference.
working in a coffee farm

Why is Soil Health Important? The Future Of Coffee is Beneath Our Feet

When it comes to growing coffee, it’s all about the soil. Healthy soil not only helps make farms more productive it helps to make them more sustainable. Healthy soil can capture carbon, requires less fertilizer, and is more resistant to the impacts of climate change. NESCAFÉ® helps several thousand farmers improve the health of the soil with regenerative agriculture.
Planting young coffee plants

By 2025, NESCAFÉ® aims to reach 100% responsible sourced coffee, supporting better working conditions for farm families and workers, to grow their crops sustainably.

100% responsible sourced coffee

Variety Makes The Farm Go Round

It takes more than just coffee trees to grow good coffee. Promoting biodiversity is vital for healthy soil. In Thailand and Indonesia, coffee farmers plant betel nuts, peppers, chilies, and avocados. A greater variety of trees attracts a greater number of insects that pollinate fields and support local wildlife. More shade means less need for herbicides and more leaves when shed, which enrich the soil’s organic matter. Trees reduce carbon emissions, control soil erosion, recycle nutrients and protect watersheds. More crops mean more products to sell or feed local families and it all goes back to the farmers we work with, all thanks to biodiversity.
Trees providing shade to coffee plants

A Cup Of Coffee Can Change Everything

Efforts to source responsibly and deforestation-free, increase biodiversity, and improve soil health through regenerative agriculture help make NESCAFÉ® a force for positive change. We aim that in the future, every green coffee beans delivered to our factory can trace its origin to a responsible group of farms. Now, when you enjoy a NESCAFÉ®, you can feel even better knowing that your cup of coffee is supporting the coffee world a little better.
green coffee cherry

The Future of Coffee

More than 23,000 cups of coffee are drunk every second, but with so many of us enjoying it, we need to be careful not to be left with empty cups.

Climate change, crop diseases, water shortage and people leaving farms for cities, all threaten the future of coffee. If we want to keep drinking it, we need to plan. That's why in 2010 we setup the NESCAFÉ® Plan.

green coffee cherry

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Sustainability Tips

NESCAFÉ® sustainability tips

Sustainability Tips

If we all make small changes they can have a bigger impact than we might think. Multiplied by millions of coffee drinkers, every cup (or travel cup), becomes an opportunity to help make a difference. Discover below a few sustainability tips that can help reduce your environmental impact.
sustainability tips


By swapping your takeaway cup with a reusable coffee cup* you can reduce waste by filling it with your favorite NESCAFÉ® coffee again and again. Inspire your colleagues at work and spread the good advice around the office.

*Image for illustrative purposes, NESCAFÉ® cup not available in Europe.

reusable coffee cup


The best temperature for NESCAFÉ® is 80 ºC not 100 ºC. It's better for the flavour and switching off your kettle before it boils also saves energy. Did you know boiling a whole kettle three times a day uses approximately 110kWh of electricity a year? By heating water to just 80ºC each time, you could save 22kWh each year, enough to power a 50” LED TV for 1,375 hours! Next time you heat water, take it off the boil just as the bubbles appear. Also always try to just fill your kettle with the water you need. It makes a better cup and can help reduce your environmental impact.
heating water for coffee

NESCAFÉ®'s lightweight refill pouches use 97% less packaging weight than our NESCAFÉ® 200g glass jars meaning you can keep refilling your glass jar using less packaging.



It might take a small extra step, but recycling can makes a difference. Did you know that recycling your glass NESCAFÉ® jar saves up to 670kg of CO2e for every ton of recycled glass used*? Not to mention uses less virgin glass materials . So, when it comes to recycling, a little really can go a long way.

* Fédération Européenne du Verre d’Emballage, Brussels (FEVE) figure.

recycling NESCAFÉ® glass


Refilling your coffee jar is easy and uses less packaging. With our refill pouches, you can keep reusing your jar time and time again. It is 100% of the same great coffee in our pouches! With NESCAFÉ®’s refill pouches, you can refill your glass jars with 97% less packaging weight per gram of coffee, compared to our NESCAFÉ® Gold Blend 200g jar. Your small action really can help make a difference. Just remember to wash and dry your jar before each time you refill it.
recycling NESCAFÉ® glass

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16 Coffee Fun Facts to Liven Up Your Day

Bean Facts

16 Coffee Fun Facts to Liven Up Your Day

Coffee is one of the most popular beverages there is, with billions of cups enjoyed every year. Given that coffee is so well loved around the world, it’s only natural for us to want to know more about our favourite brew. That’s why we at NESCAFÉ® have compiled this list of our favourite coffee fun facts for you.
coffee fun facts

1. Coffee goes back a really long way

Coffee is thought to date back to 800 A.D., where it was discovered by 9th century goat herders. It was said that they noticed their goats eating the plant and afterwards it appeared like they were ‘dancing’. Fascinated by the results, the goat herder tried them himself and discovered that it made him excitable too.
Coffee facts

2. Coffee is a fruit

Despite it being called a ‘bean’, coffee is actually a fruit. The ‘beans’ grow on a bush and are found in the centre of a berry, known as a coffee cherry.
Coffee facts

Whether it helps you make the most of your day, or the perfect excuse to catch up with old friends, coffee plays a small but important part in our everyday lives.

Coffee fact quote

3. Beethoven loved coffee

This may surprise you, but infamous composer, Beethoven, loved coffee! He was apparently quite obsessive about it, using precisely 60 beans per cup and would spend time counting out each and every bean.
Coffee facts

4. Brazil grows the most coffee in the world

It’s widely known that Brazil is one of the biggest coffee hotspots, but did you know it’s responsible for around a third of all the coffee in the world? Brazil is the number one coffee producer, followed by Vietnam and Colombia.
Coffee facts

5. Finland consumes the most coffee in the world

Where Brazil may grow the most, Finland drinks the most coffee! On average they drink 12kg per person, per year which works out to an impressive 1,680 cups on average each a year. Now how’s that for a coffee fact?
Coffee facts

6. Coffee wasn’t always enjoyed with breakfast

Despite coffee being known as one of the most popular drinks to have with breakfast (followed by tea), prior to the 18th century, beer was actually enjoyed with the first meal of the day!
Coffee facts

7. Coffee helped Brazil go to the Olympics

In 1932, the Brazilian government didn’t have enough money to send their athletes to the Olympics, so they funded the trip by selling coffee. They loaded up a ship of coffee beans, hoping to sell it to California on their way. We love this heart-warming coffee fact!
Coffee facts

8. Coffee wasn’t always for drinking

Before coffee was discovered to be a delicious beverage, it was actually a food. East African tribes would grind the berries and mix them with animal fat to eat.
Coffee facts

9. There are two different types of coffee bean

Two types of coffee bean are used for drinking; Robusta and Arabica. Arabica has lower acidity and smoother taste, whereas Robusta is more acidic and bitter.
Coffee facts

9. There are two different types of coffee bean

Two types of coffee bean are used for drinking; Robusta and Arabica. Arabica has lower acidity and smoother taste, whereas Robusta is more acidic and bitter.
Coffee facts

11. The decaffeination process helps to create our favourite fizzy drinks

Once caffeine has been removed (for decaf coffee), the caffeine will usually be sold to fizzy drink or pharmaceutical companies.
Coffee facts

12. NESCAFÉ® produced the first instant coffee

We’re quite proud of this coffee history fact because it was us who created the first successful instant coffee blend! The story goes all the way back to 1929 when Brazil was looking for a solution to help with the coffee surplus in the country. After which, years of careful research led to the development of the NESCAFÉ® brand. Find out more about the history NESCAFÉ® here.
Coffee facts

13. Coffee was once banned

Coffee wasn’t always as loved as it is today. In the 18th century, governments tried to ban the beverage because it was thought to stimulate radical thinking. Our favourite drink was actually banned in Sweden for a while in 1746, along with anything related to it – including cups and saucers! 
Coffee facts

14. The most expensive coffee in the world costs $600 per pound  

Kopi Luwak is the most expensive coffee in the world, and as of 2019, it cost $600 per pound. Native to Indonesia, the coffee is roasted after being eaten, digested and expelled by the Palm Civet. It’s said that they only eat the very best, sweetest and freshest coffee cherries and when ingested, it’s naturally fermented, giving it a distinctive flavour. Would you try a cup of Kopi Luwak? 
Coffee facts

15. The largest cup of coffee in the world was over 26,000 litres

Yes, you heard right! The largest cup of coffee ever made was 26,939.22 litres. The brew made in Mexico, on 10 December 2022, took 300 kg of coffee and currently holds the Guinness World Record.
Coffee facts

16. Britain loves coffee

While Britons are known around the world for adoring their tea, it may surprise you to learn that the UK alone drinks around 95 million cups of coffee per day!
Coffee facts

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Wake up and Smell the Future

Inspiring and Training Young Coffee Farmers of the Future

Wake up and Smell the Future

Meet Cesar Ernesto Buezo, a son of a coffee farming family, who spent his whole life surrounded by the coffee plants on his family’s farm, but until recently, hadn’t thought to stop and appreciate the coffee flavor or his prospects as a coffee farmer. Then he took part in NESCAFÉ®’s Youth Initiative, and his attitude changed. “The biggest breakthrough for me was the simple act of noticing the cup of coffee that I was producing,” he says. “Testing it, tasting the different flavours, studying colours and texture… this was all entirely new”.
Not a young person’s preferred profession, less than 5% of coffee farmers fall under the age of 35 worldwide. With a growing global generational gap engaged in coffee production, NESCAFÉ® set about presenting young adults with good reasons to stay on the farm and embrace a coffee future of their own.
coffee farmers

Helping Grow Futures – Farmer Education in Honduras

Honduras has one of the world’s youngest populations, with around 65% of Hondurans under 29. In June 2019, NESCAFÉ® launched a Youth Initiative there. A collaboration with the national government and part of the Nestlé Needs YOUth project, it aims to inspire younger generations to contribute to the success of their coffee-growing communities. Part of Nestlé’s wider commitment to help 10 million young adults worldwide to access economic opportunities by 2030, the NESCAFÉ® Plan aims to provide coffee farming training up to 25,000 young adults in Honduras.
NESCAFÉ® youth initiative

Helping fuel Hearts and Minds with Coffee Farming training

While studying agricultural topics in his high school, Cesar took the opportunity to join the Youth initiative. “Ever since I was young, I used to dream of who I would become and the goals I might reach,” he explains. “Here in Comayagua, I knew that coffee was my future.” He jumped at the opportunity.
With classes held at Coffee Quality Competence Centers like the one in the municipality of La Libertad, as well as remotely, the 80-hour training program teaches coffee knowledge and entrepreneurship. An on-site plant nursery and a solar drier allows for hands-on lessons about cultivation and harvesting. A designated preparation area allows students to learn about coffee properties, extraction methods, roasting, grinding and cup tasting.
A holistic approach to farming sees the students schooled in running a modern business. Alongside lessons in agricultural practices, harvesting and crop care, they learn about engineering techniques, methods for improving coffee quality and computer skills.
“One of our best modules was about motivation and perseverance,” says Cesar. “That really resonated, because we were all balancing the stresses of home and school. We had excellent talks about leadership, innovation, and entrepreneurship. It was incredible to feel the support of people who did not ask for anything in return."
coffee training program

Nestlé is commited to helping 10 million young people worldwide to access economic opportunities by 2030

nestlé helping young people

Brewing A Brighter Future

Following the Initiative, a new generation of farmers feel fully invested in the farmland of their ancestors. “Most of us come from coffee producing families, but the challenge is that we inherit land along with other grandchildren, children and cousins,” says Cesar. "We lack theoretical and practical training when it comes to farm management. We let older people worry about it, and production has declined. Coffee is something that many young people see as obsolete. Thanks to the program, I have a different vision of what I want for my farm.”
The collective learnings, shared among youth training programs in coffee, accelerate and expand the programs started by the NESCAFÉ® Plan in countries like Mexico and Colombia. “I think about a future in coffee, but not just in terms of an income,” says Cesar. “It’s a culture, a patrimony, an inheritance, and our family. It will always form a part of me and our community. The difference is, I don’t feel I have to be bound by tradition".
NESCAFÉ® program

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What is a macchiato?

What Is

What is a macchiato?

With so many coffee varieties so readily available, it can be difficult to tell them apart! Unlike the infamous cappuccino or espresso, the macchiato is less well known. So, exactly what is a macchiato coffee?
macchiato coffee

Indulge yourself

"In Italian, the term ‘macchiato’ translates as ‘marked’ or ‘stained’, meaning a stained or marked coffee. The macchiato is an espresso coffee drink, topped with a small amount of foamed or steamed milk to allow the taste of the espresso to still shine through.
macchiato coffee

Macchiato origins

The origin of the name ‘macchiato’ stems from baristas needing to show waiters the difference between an espresso shot and an espresso with a bit of milk in it. As the latter is ‘marked’ or ‘stained’ by the addition of milk, it was quickly given its name to tell them apart. Unlike the cappuccino that was originally created exclusively as a morning drink, the macchiato is the perfect afternoon coffee.
macchiato coffee

In Italian, ‘macchiato’ translates as ‘marked’ or ‘stained’, meaning a stained or marked coffee.

Coffee fact quote

What does a macchiato taste like?

The small amount of milk used in the macchiato gives this coffee a slight sweetness. However, the combination of sweetness and creaminess of the milk isn’t enough to dilute the strength of the espresso, so some may argue that a macchiato can taste slightly bitter.
macchiato coffee

Types of macchiato

There are two main types of macchiato coffee; the espresso macchiato and the latte macchiato.

What is an espresso macchiato?
The original, made with a shot of espresso, diluted slightly by 1-2 teaspoons of steamed milk, which is the ‘stain’. The espresso macchiato has the highest ratio of espresso to milk, and the addition of milk is meant to be complementary, so the espresso can still be very much tasted.

What is a latte macchiato?
A a sweeter, layered espresso beverage. It is made by adding a shot or half a shot of espresso to steamed milk, topped with a milk foam layer. Unlike an espresso macchiato, which is served in a short glass, a latte macchiato is served in a tall glass.

macchiato coffee

What is the difference between a macchiato and a latte?

The difference between a macchiato and a latte depends on what type of macchiato you choose. A macchiato, often referred to as an espresso macchiato, differs to a latte by not having any milk foam. A latte macchiato differs from a latte by being made in reverse. In a latte, the espresso is added first, followed by steamed milk and a final layer of frothed milk.
macchiato coffee

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The rich history of coffee

Coffee Origins

The rich history of coffee

Coffee is an essential in our fast-paced lives, a source of inspiration and upliftment that awakens our body and minds to the possibilities of every day. But it’s so much more than that too; its a global cultural force and it’s as well loved as ever. But where did coffee originally come from exactly, and how did it become so popular? Read the history of coffee for more details.
Coffee history

The legend of coffee origin begins in Ethiopia

Ethiopia is widely considered to be the epicentre of where coffee came from. If you’ve ever googled “coffee history”, you will have come across the famous story of how coffee was discovered in Ethiopia by Kaldi, an Ethiopian goat herder, around 800 AD.
He wandered over to his goats to see them acting very strangely. They were energised and excited after eating some berries from a tree. So, he tried the berries himself, and after he too felt excitable and alert, Kaldi took these berries to a monk. The monks exclaimed that it was the work of the devil and threw the berries into the fire. In doing so, a beautiful, heavenly aroma was released and the berries were quickly raked from the fire and crushed into embers. Realising their mistake, the monks then placed the berries into a jug and covered them with hot water for preservation. The monks went on to drink this lovely new concoction, only to realise it helped them stay awake during nightly devotions and prayers. Of course, this is probably just a wonderful legend and the history of coffee is more likely to lie with the nomadic Oromo/Galla people of Ethiopia and northern Kenya.
the story of coffee

Or does coffee history begin in Yemen?

There are also a few well-known stories about Yemen’s contribution in the discovery of coffee. The most famous legend from Yemen about coffee origins has a slight twist on the Ethiopian story. A Yemenite Sufi mystic was traveling through Ethiopia on spiritual matters. He encountered some very energetic and enthusiastic birds that had been eating fruit off a plant, which is now known as the coffee plant. Exhausted from his journey, he decided to try these berries for himself and he found that they produced an energetic state in him as well. However, it’s largely believed that coffee beans were originally exported from Ethiopia to Yemen. Yemeni traders later brought coffee plants back to their homeland and began to grow them there.
the story of coffee

The world’s first coffee house opened in 1475 in Constantinople, now known as Istanbul. Visitors engaged in conversation, gossiped and caught up on news while enjoying their favourite coffee.

Coffee fact quote

The word quickly spread

As it’s thought that coffee originated in Ethiopia, it’s also believed it made its way north across the red sea into Yemen in the 15th Century. It then started to be grown in the Yemeni district of Arabia, and by the 16th century it was known in Persia, Egypt, Syria, and Turkey. It was immensely popular for its qualities to help improve alertness and wakefulness, allowing people to devote more time to spiritual matters and praying.
The word quickly spread

The world’s first coffee house

The world’s first coffee house was opened in Constantinople in 1475, now known as Istanbul. Coffee was drunk at home as part of the daily routine, as well as to show hospitality to guests. Outside of the home, people visited coffee houses to not only drink coffee but to engage in conversation, listen to music, watch performers, play chess, gossip and catch up on news. Without the modern technologies we have today, coffee houses quickly became the epicentre for exchanging and gathering information. They were often referred to as “Schools of the Wise”. And with thousands of pilgrims visiting Mecca each year from all over the world, knowledge of this “wine of Araby”, as it quickly became known, began to spread.
the story of coffee

Over to Europe

Then the course of coffee history begins to change. This exotic beverage certainly caused a stir for European travellers who were filled with intrigue and fascination. So, by the 17th century, coffee had made its way to Europe and became increasingly popular across the continent.

European coffee history begins in Italy, where it was imported from the Ottoman Empire. In particular, Venetian merchants contributed to the widespread popularity of coffee in European regions and in 1645, the first ever European coffee house was opened in Venice. Drinking coffee became a great commodity, especially for wealthy people.

Through the Dutch East India Company and British East India Company, coffee also became very popular in England. The first coffee house in England opened in Oxford in 1651 and many others quickly followed, particularly in London. Coffee houses were strictly for men only, where they could discuss business and news, as well as socialise. It is said that many business ventures and ideas started in London coffee houses.

the story of coffee

Coffee arrives in Paris

Coffee was then introduced to Paris, France in 1669 by Suleyman Aga, the ambassador to the court of King Louis XIV of France. He was armed with bags of coffee described as a “magical beverage”. Only two years later in 1671, an Armenian who went by the name Pascal, opened a coffee-drinking booth at the fair of St.-Germain. Visitors very quickly learned to look for the “petit noir" a name that still endures. This marked the beginning of Parisian coffee houses, which of course, inspired coffee houses to open across France.

Over the next 30 years, coffee became cultural staples in Austria, Germany, Spain, and the rest of Europe too. However, growing coffee in Europe was a struggle, due to its naturally colder climates. European traders would later start to grow coffee elsewhere.

the story of coffee

The growth of coffee popularity in Asia

By the 1600’s, most coffee beans came from Yemen. Coffee beans were under strict surveillance and those in power did everything they could to ensure fertile beans could not be grown elsewhere. However, Baba Budan, a Muslim pilgrim, was about to change the path of coffee history forever. He left Mecca to return to India in 1600, smuggling a handful of coffee beans. With the help of British colonisers, these would become the seeds of the world’s first commercial coffee industry outside of Africa and Arabia, which still produces coffee today.

Coffee was first introduced to Indonesia in the late 1600’s by Dutch traders, and over the next century it would make its way to dozens of Indonesia’s many islands, such as Sulawesi, Sumatra, Java, and Bali. For a short period, several Indonesian islands were among the top coffee producers in the world.

Around the 1800s, coffee was cultivated in Thailand, Vietnam, Cambodia and Laos by French colonisers. The Dutch were finally allowed to grow coffee in the latter half of the 17th century and were successful with their efforts on the island of Java, in what is now known as Indonesia. The plants thrived and the Dutch began to play a significant role in trading coffee.

the story of coffee

Crossing the Atlantic – coffee origins in the New World

The founder of the Colony of Virginia, Captain John Smith, introduced coffee to other settlers of Jamestown in 1607. However, it wasn't well received at first and tea was much more preferred. In 1670, Dorothy Jones became the first person to receive a license to sell coffee in Boston. By the mid-1700's, many taverns were also dubbed as coffeehouses, but tea was still the drink of choice. It was only when a rebellion against Great Britain caused all the tea to be thrown into the sea and it was considered unpatriotic to drink it any longer, that coffee became increasingly popular.

The New World's hot, tropical weather was seen as a new ideal for the cultivation of coffee, and coffee plantations quickly spread throughout Central America, with their first coffee harvest occurring in 1726. Latin American countries also have ideal coffee-growing conditions, with a good balance of sunshine and rain, high and humid temperatures, and rich soil. By the mid-18th century, Latin American countries emerged as some of the top coffee producers, clearing extensive tropical forests in preparation for plantations. Today, Brazil is the largest coffee producer in the world.

the story of coffee

We hope you enjoyed learning more about the rich history of coffee, which continues to rejuvenate and inspire millions of people around the world every day. Looking for more coffee inspiration? Discover 16 coffee facts to liven up your day, or explore the world of coffee tasting.
the story of coffee

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Know your types of coffee roast

Know Your Coffee

Know your types of coffee roast

A lot goes into your morning cup of coffee. To achieve that impeccable, uplifting taste that makes your day, NESCAFÉ®'s coffee undergoes a unique coffee roast process which determines everything from the caffeine content to overall flavour. Roasting is truly an art in itself and you’ll be surprised to learn how subtle differences (even a few degrees in temperature) can alter the taste of the bean.
Coffee roasting

Step 1: Extracting the coffee beans 

Prior to roasting, the bean needs to be extracted from within the many layers of a coffee cherry. For coffee, we are only looking to extract and use the beans found in the centre (generally there are two coffee beans). The coffee cherry is made up approximately six layers; the outer skin, the pulp, mucilage, parchment, silver-skin and the all-important beans in the centre.
quality coffee roasts

Understanding the 6 coffee layers

Outer Skin / Exocarp: Coffee seeds are covered by flesh, much like a regular cherry. At the beginning of fruit development, this outer layer of the coffee cherry is green. As the fruit matures, it turns yellow, then orange, and finally a ripe red.
Pulp / Mucilage / Mesocarp: The next layer of the coffee cherry is common in many seeded fruits. It’s a sweet sticky layer covering each of the coffee seeds, rich in sugars and has a big influence on the taste of the coffee bean
Pectin: This is responsible in protecting the coffee beans. It’s made up of a cellulose layer.
Parchment / Endocarp: A thick shell-like layer that surrounds the bean and when dried, loosely resembles parchment paper.
Silver Skin / Chaff: A very fine layer with a silver sheen to it, which is where the name originates. This layer remains on the seeds (coffee beans) and is removed by the roasting process. It can often be referred to as chaff.
Seed / Coffee Bean: The beautiful green coffee bean or seed, while still inside the cherry, matures to become the coffee we all know and love, once it’s roasted to perfection.
quality coffee roasts

When coffee beans are dried naturally, they give fruitier flavours due to the fermentation of natural sugars. A washed process removes all the fruity sugars leaving a pure, stronger coffee flavour.

Coffee fact quote

Step 2: Preparing the coffee beans

Before the coffee beans are roasted, they must go through a special preparation stage, which can be done through either a washed or a natural process.

Dry/Natural Coffee Process
Dry process, also known as unwashed or natural coffee, is the oldest method of processing coffee. After harvest, the entire cherry is cleaned and placed in the sun to dry on tables or in thin layers on patios. The natural/dry process refers to when the bean is dried in the cherry before de-pulping. De-pulping is the process of separating the coffee seeds from the outer layer of flesh. After coffee cherries are picked, they must be de-pulped within 24 hours. If the cherries pass the 24-hour mark without being de-pulped, they may produce an overly fruity, rotten flavour that can ruin the quality of the coffee.

Wet/Washed Coffee Process
The washed process is where the beans are dried without the cherry, de-pulped and then they are usually fermented to help in separating the rest of the pectin from the bean and parchment, then finally, the beans will be washed and cleaned before drying. In the wet process, the fruit covering the seeds/beans is removed before they are dried. Coffee processed by the wet method is called wet processed or washed coffee. The wet method requires the use of specific equipment and substantial quantities of water.

quality coffee roasts

The coffee cherries are then sorted by immersion in water. Bad or unripe fruit will float, whereas the good ripe fruit will sink. The skin of the cherry and some of the pulp is removed using a machine, by pressing the fruit in water through a screen. The bean will still have a significant amount of the pulp clinging to it that needs to be removed. This is done either by the classic ferment-and-wash method or a newer procedure variously called machine-assisted wet processing.

Believe it or not, this preparation before the roasting process does affect the taste! When dried naturally, you can expect fruitier flavours due to the fermentation of natural sugars in the pulp. A washed process however, offers more vibrant flavours. This is because it removes all the pulp and fruity sugars which have an impact on the bean, leaving the pure coffee bean flavour to come through more strongly.

quality coffee roasts

Step 3: The roasting process

Interestingly, coffee beans are originally green with a grassy smell! The rich, brown colour, wonderful flavours and aroma we all enjoy are in fact due to the careful roasting process they undergo after harvesting. Once the beans are put inside the drum of the coffee roaster and they begin to heat up, the process causes a chemical change in the beans as they’re brought to a high temperature very quickly. Then, once they reach the ideal temperature for that particular roast, they get cooled rapidly in order to stop them being roasted further. The process may sound relatively simple, but it requires a keen eye to ensure they’re roasted to the correct standards.

Find out more about the coffee roasting process in our guide.

quality coffee roasts

Types of Coffee Roast

There are four common types of coffee roasts, all with their own unique flavours and notes which are brought out at different stages of the roasting process. 

1. Light roast coffee
Light roast coffee is also known as the ‘first crack’ due to the fact that the beans are at the first stage of expanding and cracking.
This type of coffee roast is when the beans reach an internal temperature of between 180°c - 205°c and are very light in colour and dry with absolutely no oil present on the surface. The flavour profile will be quite acidic but you can also expect fruity notes and a more aromatic experience too. 


Like your coffee lightly roasted? Why not try our NESCAFÉ® Fine Blend? Mellow in flavour and lightly roasted to perfection. Or, for the most sophisticated of taste buds, try our NESCAFÉ® GOLD BLEND Roastery Collection Light Roast. Sweet with notes of rich caramelised honey and toasted biscuit, our master roasters combine 50 years of craft and smart roasting technology to create this unforgettable blend.

Types of Coffee Roast

2. Medium roast coffee

As the name suggests, medium roast coffee is medium brown in colour, dry and generally more balanced in flavour. This type of coffee roast is roasted to a temperature of between 210°C - 220°C and is preferred by many as the flavour, aroma and acidity all entwine in a harmonious blend and often, a slightly sweeter taste and stronger aroma can be expected too. 

If a more balanced flavour and aroma is appealing to you, try our NESCAFÉ® GOLD BLEND. It's smooth, rich, yet well-rounded. Or, perhaps NESCAFÉ® AZERA Americano is for you, with its irresistible velvety crema.

quality coffee roasts

3. Medium-dark roast coffee

With the coffee beans reaching a temperature of between 225°c - 230°c, medium-dark roast coffee is a great option for those looking for something a little stronger in flavour than medium, but not quite as bitter as dark roast coffee. Darker in colour and with oil present on the surface of the roasted bean, this type offers a rich flavour that’s described as almost bittersweet. Additionally, thanks to the extended roasting period, the acidity is virtually undetectable. 
If you like your coffee beans rich in aroma and full-flavoured, try our NESCAFÉ® Original. Made with perfectly roasted medium-dark coffee beans for a well-balanced flavour profile that’s universally loved.
quality coffee roasts

4. Dark roast coffee

The boldest roasting profile available, dark roast coffee is roasted to a temperature of between 240°c - 250°c. This type is black in colour with an oily surface and a very bitter taste. The flavours are very pronounced with strong notes and often, hints of caramel can be found in these types of coffee roast. 

Medium-dark and dark roasted coffee beans go through what is known as ‘second crack’, relating to an occurrence during the roasting process. ‘First crack’ is when the coffee beans will audibly pop like popcorn or puff up slightly, whereas ‘second crack’ is a slightly softer sound. It means that if the roasting process continues long enough, coffee beans will go through a second crack, which is usually caused by the oils beginning to migrate from inside of the bean to the outside. 

For those who like a dark roast coffee, our NESCAFÉ® GOLD BLEND Roastery Collection Dark Roast coffee is just for you. With notes of dark chocolate and roasted nuts for a rich and intense flavour, you will not be disappointed. For those who prefer their coffee with a strong and intense flavour, our NESCAFÉ® Black Roast is the one. Using only the finest beans, these are put through a careful roasting process by master roasters and given a long roast until they’re black, but not burnt, providing them with an intense flavour unlike any other blend.

quality coffee roasts

Knowing more about your coffee roast will awaken your senses, making every cup you enjoy that much more rewarding. Want to find out more about your brew? Read about the rich history of coffee.
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What is a cappuccino?

What Is

What is a cappuccino?

Known as one of the more popular drinks in any coffee shop, the cappuccino is a balanced coffee that’s a true test of any barista’s skills. Known for the its distribution of coffee and milk and served in a large cup with a dusting of chocolate on top. Keep reading if you’re a true frothy coffee lover to learn more about what a cappuccino is and where it comes from.

A frothy treat

A cappuccino is the perfect balance of espresso, steamed milk and foam. This coffee is all about the structure and the even splitting of elements into equal thirds. An expertly made cappuccino should be rich, but not acidic and have a mildly sweet flavouring from the milk. And, because the milk is not actually mixed in it gives the espresso a stronger flavour.
cappuccino coffee

Cappuccino origins

The cappuccino first came to Europe and America from Italy in 1980, at a similar time as the latte. Many coffees that originate in Italy have straightforward, descriptive names depending on ingredients or how it’s made, but the cappuccino is a little different. Apparently, the colouring of the espresso and frothed milk is similar to the hue of the Capuchin friar robes, and so, the wonderful beverage was dubbed the ‘cappuccino’.
cappuccino coffee

Known as one of the more popular drinks in any coffee shop, the cappuccino is a balanced coffee that’s a true test of any barista’s skills.

Coffee fact quote

Macchiato vs. cappuccino – what’s the difference?

If you’re ordering in a coffee shop, you might be wondering what the difference is between the two. The macchiato begins with a base of steamed milk, two shots of espresso and then a thin layer of milk foam on top for a much higher ratio of coffee to milk. A cappuccino on the other hand starts with a shot of espresso, followed by steamed milk and finally milk foam on top, all in a perfectly balanced ratio. You should now have all the information you need for your next order!
cappuccino coffee

Is cappuccino stronger than coffee?

It depends what type of coffee we are comparing with a cappuccino. A cappuccino and an espresso have the same caffeine content, so they would be similar in terms of strength. But if we’re comparing a cappuccino and an americano, the americano would probably taste slightly stronger, most likely due to the lack of milk in an americano.
cappuccino coffee

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The fascinating history of NESCAFÉ®

Coffee Origins

The fascinating history of NESCAFÉ®

NESCAFÉ® is found on shelves and countertops around the world. It’s a reliable source of inspiration, one you can turn to time and time again to make the most of your mornings with or without friends. It’s almost as if NESCAFÉ® has always been there, ready to deliver its wonderful rich taste, known and loved world-wide. But it was not always this way; NESCAFÉ®'s history is as inspiring as any great cup of coffee.
NESCAFÉ® history

The idea of instant coffee

The story begins in 1929, when Louis Dapples, Chairman of the Board of Directors of Nestlé received a very special request from Brazil. In order to combat the enormous coffee surplus in the country, it was proposed that Nestlé create a coffee product that was quick to make and also reduced the amount of unnecessary waste from Brazil's coffee bean harvests.

Initially, the idea was to manufacture a cube-shaped coffee tablet, one that simply needed hot water added for an instant brew. However, after a significant amount of research, the iconic flavour couldn’t be retained, meaning the tablet format wasn’t viable. With this idea ruled out, the chemist Max Morgenthaler went back to the drawing board.

NESCAFÉ® coffee history

The NESCAFÉ® brand is born

Morgenthaler had the idea of creating a powder rather than a cube, and he discovered that the flavour was best retained when carbohydrates were added to the product, producing a result much more similar to that of coffee beans. After 7 years of careful development, this soluble coffee was launched in Switzerland under the NESCAFÉ® name. The new product was an instant hit so to speak, with the yearly reserves selling out in a mere 2 months. By 1940, NESCAFÉ® was sold in more than 30 countries, on every continent. But this was just the beginning of NESCAFÉ®’s story and exciting developments were still ahead…
NESCAFÉ® coffee history

In the early 2000s, NESCAFÉ® began a journey to be one of the most sustainable coffee brands in the world, leading to the launch of Fairtrade certified NESCAFÉ® Partners Blend in 2005 - a world first.

Coffee fact quote

World War II brought a different battle

With the outbreak of World War II NESCAFÉ® instant coffee was included in the emergency rations of every US soldier. When the war came to an end in 1945, NESCAFÉ®, was added to CARE packages for populations in need across Europe and Japan, which was a key turning point in NESCAFÉ® history.
nescafe coffee history

Rise of competitors

It was only natural for competitors to emerge, due to the increased popularity of the product. In order to stay ahead, NESCAFÉ® continued to innovate. In the early 1950s, the discovery was made that the flavour-protecting carbohydrates – previously found in glucose solution – could be extracted straight from the coffee bean, resulting in a much richer product.
The fascinating history of NESCAFÉ®

Refining the product

The 1960s was another key turning point in the history of NESCAFÉ®, beginning with the decade's economic boom that saw refined manufacturing processes being introduced. Then in 1962 the original tin was done away with, opting for the more sophisticated glass jar seen today. The second half of the 60s was full of new developments too, with NESCAFÉ® GOLD being released in Europe in 1965; a delicious product that won over an even greater number of coffee drinkers. Then in 1966, the formula evolved from powder to granules, and 1967 brought the introduction of NESCAFÉ®’s iconic red mug.

Since the turn of the century NESCAFÉ® has been busy ensuring its coffee is produced in the most sustainable way possible. The brand is on a journey to 2030 when it aims achieve 100% responsibly sourced coffee and 50% sourced from regenerative agricultural methods.

The fascinating history of NESCAFÉ®

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