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When coffee trees get old, they get tired. But we’ve got a radical way of reinvigorating them.

Take our partner coffee farmers on the Côte d’Ivoire – they love their gnarly old trees. They’ve been serving up a steady – but dwindling – crop of coffee beans for generations. The NESCAFÉ agronomists’ advice is radical – cut them right back to the stump. It sounds drastic, but if farmers follow our advice, the trees grow back stronger. And that means more coffee beans... and more cash for the farmers.

You can imagine that giving an old friend major surgery with an axe takes more than a little courage! But so far, our experts have convinced 30% of Ivorian farmers to do just that. And – with the addition of some select new robusta plantlets we’ve distributed – it’s beginning to make a real difference.

The Ivorian coffee trees are experiencing a rebirth – and the winning combination of radical renovation and new, younger plants is producing more, bigger and better-quality beans, so their farms are thriving.

Congratulations, Côte d’Ivoire – your bravery is paying off! We can taste your courage in every cup.




Renovation stumping in Côte d’Ivoire has boosted yields to 560kg per hectare.

As corroborated by the Rainforest Alliance: