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At Nescafé, we are sourcing coffee responsibly

coffee plant
Shadow leaf

What does «responsibly sourced» mean in our value chain?

It means that our coffee is traceable to the group of farms where it was grown, and that defined social and environmental practices are incorporated into the process of coffee farmers and coffee suppliers.

Overview of a coffee farm in the early morning

Working together

Our coffee is traceable to the group of farms where it was grown and verified in accordance to sustainability standards from independent certifier programmes.

At Nescafé, we work with various external programmes who are independent third-party organizations, such as 4C, Rainforest Alliance, which have established their own publicly available sustainability standards.

The sustainability standards of the external programmes we work with, meet our Nestlé Responsible Sourcing Core Requirements, that encompass various aspects of coffee farming, including social and environmental practices, for example farmer's working conditions, optimizing soil fertilizers, among others.

Farmer showing a coffee bean with his hand

Taking actions with purpose

We are taking actions to continue supporting coffee farmers in their communities wherever they are, so that they can improve their lands & livelihoods. Here below some examples of initiatives:

• Supporting coffee farm renovation for better resilience and quality, by distributing over 290 million coffee plantlets since 2010.

• Through more than 800 agronomists and across 16 countries, enabling more than 148’000* coffee farmer trainings every year to improve their farming practices.

Hands planting a coffee tree
"NESCAFÉ** in Europe is 100%*** responsibly sourced coffee, supporting coffee farmers to improve their lands and livelihood”​

**NESCAFÉ® produced in Europe Nestlé’s factories includes NESCAFÉ® Soluble Coffee, NESCAFÉ® Whole Roasted Coffee Beans, NESCAFÉ® Roast & Ground Coffee products for customizable servings, NESCAFÉ® Dolce Gusto® Coffees & NESCAFÉ® Ready to Drink products.​
*** “100%” figure refers to our yearly green coffee usage in factories across Europe.​
*figure from 2023.
Want to know more?

See our Nescafé Plan Progress Report of 2023