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Responsibly sourced beans for a sustainable coffee future

The Future is Coffee

Every second, 23,000 cups of coffee is consumed around the world. That’s a lot of coffee. So how do we make sure that our children and their children will be able to enjoy a good cuppa in the future ?

What Responsibly Sourced Means

NESCAFÉ’s responsible sourcing journey starts with the men and women who grow our coffee beans. They’re our coffee heroes, and we’re proud to call them our partner farmers. Our experts visit their farms to pass on innovative sustainable agricultural practices to ensure the future of coffee, helping them earn more, stay healthier and work more in tune with nature. After all, the more naturally and respectfully our coffee is grown, the better it’s going to taste in your cup. Today, 99% of our locally produced beans are responsibly sourced.

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Grown with Respect for the Farmers

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    Train farmers

    NESCAFÉ sends experts to coffee farms all over the world to train and educate farmers.

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    Improve farmers’ livelihoods

    Farmers are trained in agricultural and business skills, as well as how to diversify their income. By growing different crops alongside coffee, their livelihoods can be improved.

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    Optimise yields

    Through training and technical assistance, farmers all over the world are able to grow healthier, stronger trees, producing more coffee that’s better in quality.

Grown with Respect for the Environment

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    Conserve water

    Water is a valuable resource. That is why our experts teach farmers how to grow high-quality coffee using less water, making more water available to communities and the environment.

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    Create biodiversity

    By encouraging bees and other insects, it helps to create greater biodiversity in the coffee-growing regions with our intercropping and agroforestry programmes. Farmers learn how to farm while developing natural diversity.

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    Prevent deforestation

    NESCAFÉ is also working towards making coffee farms more productive. The more productive a farm is, the less need for expansion, which goes a long way in preventing deforestation.

Grown with Respect for the Community

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    Support farming communities

    Coffee farming as a way of life is something we want to keep alive. So we lend our support to coffee-growing communities worldwide to empower and inspire our farmers.

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    Upskilling/Empowerment programmes

    Through upskilling and empowerment programmes, we have helped improve the lives and livelihoods of our farmers by helping them gain new skills and diversifying their incomes.

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    Inspire next generation

    We continue to inspire the next generation of coffee growers so that coffee farming remains a way of life and ensure a bright coffee future for all of us.