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Train, bus, cycle, or skateboard – we’re all doing our bit to drive down our emissions on the way to work. But have you considered your lowly coffee cup in the whole environmental mix? We’d all like to use fewer disposable cups in our daily lives – so here’s a couple of suggestions to help you cut down and use more sustainable coffee cups.

On your way into work, a simple solution to sustainable commuting is to swap your takeaway cup for a delicious flask of homemade NESCAFÉ. This way, there’s less waste and nothing to recycle (except our recyclable packaging). Plus, if you do this for just a few days a week, you may find yourself saving a little extra cash into the bargain!

Once you’re at work, a great way of cutting down on plastic cups is to take a mug in with you to use whenever you want a cup of coffee. Tell your colleagues what you’re doing and spread the word – sustainability, like NESCAFÉ, is even better when it’s shared.

The great taste of NESCAFÉ has been supporting our busy working day for decades – but if we can do it with less plastic waste, then we’ll all be helping towards the good of the environment, too.

Enjoy more stories of Respect

  • NESCAFÉ’s responsible sourcing journey starts with the men and women who grow our coffee beans.

  • When we put so much respect into our coffee, it’s only natural that we’ll care just as much about what we sell it in.

  • This is where you come in – you can make some respectful choices every time you enjoy our coffee.