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Made Respectfully

Help us tackle climate change with every cup

We’re respecting the planet by working to make all our coffee production more sustainable. That means encouraging agricultural biodiversity on the land, saving water and reducing carbon emissions at every step of the way from farm to factory. You’re helping us tackle climate change with every cup of NESCAFÉ® you drink.

Learn more about how our coffee is Made Respectfully

  • We're spicing up coffee farming

    Sometimes we advise our farmers to plant crops other than coffee! Like avocados, chilis and nuts. Agricultural biodiversity is good for the land, and it's good for our partner farmers.

  • We’re putting less water in our coffee

    Our coffee is often grown in places where water’s scarce, so we’re helping our farmers get smarter with how they use it. Coffee’s important – but water conservation is vital! 

  • We’re steaming ahead

    Our efficient factories burn waste coffee grounds to make the steam to make our granules. Whenever you make a cup of NESCAFÉ®, enjoy it knowing we’ve globally reduced our carbon emissions by half over the last ten years.

Enjoy more stories of Respect

  • NESCAFÉ®’s responsible sourcing journey starts with the men and women who grow our coffee beans.

  • When we put so much respect into our coffee, it’s only natural that we’ll care just as much about what we sell it in.

  • This is where you come in – you can make some respectful choices every time you enjoy our coffee.